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Conceptual approach to the far-right ecosystem online

Our collective findings from 30 expert interviews, exploring the far-right online ecosystems and their communication patterns

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Disentangling the Web of Hate on TikTok

An overview of the German-speaking far-right communities spreading hate and recruiting members

Focus Groups Report

Collected recommendations from stakeholders to validate our research findings

Policy Brief

Projektergebnisse mit Ratschlägen für Social-Media-Plattformen, politische Entscheidungsträger*innen und Praktiker*innen

A new framework for analysing far-right hate speech on TikTok

Unveiling novel research methods and an overview of the German-speaking far-right ecosystem on TikTok


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Online Far-Right Framing Exposed

Old Narratives in New Disguises: how extremists frame their narratives on TikTok, Telegram and Odysee

Policy Brief

Summary of project findings with advice for social media platforms, policymakers and practitioners

RECO_DAR produces outputs on a continuous basis. We want to share with you what we learned and provide value for your work and other projects.

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